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pour un cinéma durable.

Mettre en avant les professionnels du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel engagés dans la mise en place d’une industrie responsable.

L’industrie du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel a un fort impact environnemental : elle produit 1,7 millions de tonnes de d’équivalent CO2 chaque année. Depuis une dizaine d’années, des professionnels réfléchissent et s’organisent pour réduire l’impact du 7ème art. Nous allons à leur rencontre.


Sustainable filming in the UK

British cinema is estimated to contribute over £4 billion a year to the country’s economy. But where there’s production, there’s eco-production! In fact, the two are inextricably linked these days, and the English seem to have understood this for several years now: we’ve discovered some great nuggets! A weekly reminder: Nausicä is a project we…

Sustainable filming in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region

To round off our tour of France in style, we landed in Marseille, home of the late Plus Belle La Vie and Jul’s clips on the Vieux Port. A weekly reminder: Nausicä is a project we launched to highlight best practices and innovations in the environmental transition of audiovisual productions. Over the course of five…

Sustainable filming in the Occitanie Region

We love film shootings in the sun. It’s the perfect setting for a beach vacation with your feet outstretched. So we went to Montpellier, to see what was going on there in terms of eco-production. A quick weekly reminder: Nausicä is a project we launched to highlight best practices and innovations in the environmental transition…

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